About Us

IAHC seeks to make veterinary training materials available in local languages. Toward this end, IAHC has partnered with the authors of the Handbook of Animal Health. This book is available in English (print and kindle e-book) and Mandarin Chinese. Indonesian, Hindi, French and Arabic translations are currently underway.
IAHC seeks to facilitate veterinary professionals to use their profession for the benefit of the world with a special emphasis on areas with limited resources. Our volunteers are loosely connected through this network and their work in one country can be vastly different from that in another.

Professional work:
• Guest lectures at a university/veterinary college
• Grass roots work with indigenous people to improve livestock production
• Training farmers, extension agents, veterinarians in new techniques for animal health
• Consulting on livestock breeding or purchasing.

Typical time commitments can vary from one week to six months or even longer in some cases. The host is responsible to provide information and resources that enable our volunteers to secure appropriate visas.